Influencing Change
Change is about people not rocket science. Now although that is easier said than done the truth of the matter is that as change leaders we need to be able to influence and persuade people that not only change is required, that this change is required and the reasons why we need their help and co-operation in enabling the change across the organisation.
In this course, we will be exploring the different influencing techniques we can use to help people on the journey of change, discuss successful influencing and persuasion theories and what all is involved in stakeholder mapping, analysis and engagement in change. Furthermore, we will explore our own strengths and development areas and how we can improve our influencing of others in relation to change.
Explore different proven influencing theories and how we can use them
Identify how we can ready our stakeholders for change
Use gaming to help illustrate different influencing techniques
Identify how we can maximise our own strengths in influencing change
Review different influencing and persuasion theories
Create a stakeholder plan that will enable effective and productive engagement
Plan and review how to specifically influence people in change
Bring along a change that you are about to embark on in your organisation
Use the tools introduced in the session to help prepare your leadership and organisation in the change
Build cohesive influencing and stakeholder plans that help ready the organisation for change