What I Bring To the Table
Silence is loud when leading change. Have you ever asked someone a question and they have not answered you – not because they did not hear or see your question? The answer they are giving you speaks volumes.
If there is one thing I have learned working with over 40 different organizations for over 20 years, it is that change is about people not rocket science. This is a bit of a double edge sword. It does not mean that change is simple - it is just that many times we make it more complicated than it really needs to be. At the same time people are not simple they are complicated, but they are also not rocket science because A+B does not necessarily equal C when it comes to people, like it can be in rocket science.
Business typically focus on the tasks that are involved in change – create a project plan, communications, training, etc. They are focused on the tasks of getting things done and ‘if they build it, the people will come.’
That worked well during a time when we could reliably have a reasonable idea of what the future holds – we could with some relative certainty see where the road ahead was going. But now that is not the case now really, is it?
I work at all levels to help people through change. I see myself as a temporary resource you bring in for specific help, so I see it as my job to make sure the organisation and your people are better equipped to deal with whatever change comes down the road, as we all know that whatever change we are dealing with now will not be same as the one we are dealing with in the not so distant future. Therefore, I focus on building the change capability from within your organisation in whatever is required.